Name: Sabre
Art no: SI-520
The Sabre is really a very simple yet beautiful penis stick. 150mm long – a slow taper along its complete length starting at 5mm diameter ending at 12mm diameter, with a hole throughout. The twist to this penis stick is that there is a curve along its who,,,,,
Name: Penis Plug
Art no: SI-515
We machine this beautifully polished ‘plug’ for the male’s most sensitive hole. With the added twist of having a steel ring to prevent over insertion as opposed to a widened ‘hilt’ area on our other models. Great for a simulated
Name: Slow Diamond Penis Plug
Art no: SI-523
The Slow Diamond was created to cater for the user who has moved from a starter and wants an intermediate move-up on diameter. This plug is made from highly polished stainless steel, 40mm
overall length and and equal spaced diamond taper with a 7.5mm max