How to Introduce your Fantasy

“How To Bring Your Fantasy Up Without Triggering Your Wife’s ‘Resistance Factor’… & Without Getting Rejected…Guaranteed!”

Use This Simple Strategic Communication Technique To Make It Impossible For Your Wife To Shoot You Down When Bringing Up Your Fantasy

If you haven’t brought your fantasy up to your wife yet because you don’t know how to do it without getting judged, rejected, or shot down, then this webpage is for you!

Especially if you’ve ever asked yourself any of the following questions when thinking about bringing up your cuckold/hotwife fantasy to your wife:

What if she judges me?

What if she thinks I’m weird?

What if she gets upset or angry?

What if she thinks I want to do this just so I can sleep with other women?

What if she thinks I don’t love her anymore?

What if she tells me she won’t ever do that with me?

Those are the most common worries/concerns men have when they think about bringing this topic up with their wives. And they’re common because they’re realistic.

Here’s the thing though:

Living with such strong desire, but being unable or afraid to bring it up to your wife can be extremely difficult. It requires you to close off a part of yourself to the person you love most in this world. It also means your desires need to stay unfulfilled.

In a minute, I’ll tell you why those two little truths can actually be fatal to your relationship with your wife. For now, I want to tell you what the number one reason is why so many wives reject this fantasy when their husbands approach them about it.

Take a look at the picture to the right (or above if you’re on mobile).

Here’s What Most People Do

If you checked the numbers in the above picture several times before you realized there were two “the” in the question itself, you’re not alone. In fact, 8 out of 10 people gloss over the mistake before they “catch” it.

But don’t worry–it’s not your fault. Your mind doesn’t know what to look for, so it forgets to process the double word and instead goes straight to the colorful numbers after the question, as it should.

Likewise, when it comes to making your fantasy happen, if you don’t know the difference between the right way and the wrong way to bring it up, then the odds stand for you to get rejected. After all, women are complicated creatures, and trying to get a fantasy this taboo to happen is like navigating a minefeld.

But I’ve got good news for you. Now, there’s an amazing, new opportunity
that I haven’t made publicly available for non-clients…until now.

What You Can Learn From The Mistakes Of Others
I’ve spent literally thousands of hours analyzing case after case of guys trying to get their fantasy to come true. And when you do that, you begin to see where everyone goes wrong.

So at first I thought, why not use what I’ve found to teach people the principles behind the right way and the wrong way to bring it up, so this way they know how to proceed. But…I realized I could do better.

Why not just give them a template guide they can use so all they need to do is follow it? And The Cuckold’s Compass Guide To Introducing Your Fantasy was born.

The Cuckold’s Compass Guide To Introducing Your Fantasy
The Cuckold’s Compass Guide To Introducing Your Fantasy is a manual that tells you EXACTLY what to say to bring up your fantasy without having your wife reject it.

Want to know if it’s easy to use?

Let me put it this way: if you’re mentally capable of following a compass—and I’m not talking like a left-for-stranded-have-to-navigate-your-way out of a Canadian forest type situation—if you can follow the N on a compass, then you can use The Cuckold’s Compass Guide To Introducing Your Fantasy.

More to the point: if you can read something and remember it, you can use this. You don’t even need to memorize it word for word. There’s nothing to fill in, and nothing to alter. It’s literally that easy to use.

Just Imagine…
Just imagine finally being able to get your wife to open her mind to flirting and sleeping with other men in reality.
At first, you might notice she’ll begin to ask you to role-play cuckolding/hotwifing scenarios in the bedroom.
You won’t have to convince her to dress more revealing when you’re out in public with her because she’ll have beaten you to it.
As she enjoys her newfound confidence and lowers her inhibitions, she’ll start to enjoy the prospect of finding a guy to flirt with so she can tell you/tease you about it later.
And that’s just the beginning.
Would it turn you on if she sent sexy photos of herself to other men she finds on online dating sites?
Would it excite you if she eventually confessed that the idea of going to a bar and picking up a stranger made her wet?
Hopefully, because things don’t need to stop there!
Imagine the orgasmic thrill you would have from knowing your wife gave a blowjob to that supportive co-worker she talks about from time to time…
Or knowing she was fucking a steady lover a few times a week with your permission…
Or maybe you even want to experience what it’s like to be mercilessly cucked time and again with different men, knowing you no longer have any control over what she does and doesn’t do…
It all starts with bringing your fantasy up the right way…
